Quotes about kids growing up

words about kids growing up

Who would argue that children are the flowers of life? They always decorate our life and fill it with meaning. After the baby is born, you will take the first steps and pronounce the first words together. But, unfortunately, children grow up very quickly. This is why there are so many quotes about kids growing up. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most famous of them!

Quotes about kids growing up

People never grow up. They just learn to behave appropriately in public.

Growing up means realizing that all mistakes and failures depend only on you.

quotes about kids growing up quotes about kids growing up Quotes about kids growing up quotes about kids growing up

The first step towards growing up is to stop punishing yourself for what you did as a child.

To become an adult means to become independent, to stop pleasing anyone. After all, we ourselves are responsible for our lives.

Parents get angry when kids start living their own lives. After all, this means that we become simply spectators for them.

Becoming an adult means forgetting or completely abandoning what was important when you were a child.

card about kids growing up quotes about kids growing up Quotes about kids growing up card about kids growing up

Growing up means learning to make decisions, learn to be yourself and follow your path.

People make mistakes. It’s part of growing up. And we never stop growing.

Sayings about kids growing up

A child becomes an adult when he realizes that from now on he is allowed not only to be right, but also to be wrong.

A young man becomes an adult when he finally realizes that adults do not exist.

Children today are growing faster while remaining children for longer.

A person becomes an adult the day he laughs sincerely for the first time. Laugh at himself.

sayings about kids growing up quotes about kids growing up Quotes about kids growing up sayings about kids growing up

When a child notices that all adults are imperfect, he begins to grow up. When he is already able to forgive them, he becomes an adult. And when he is able to forgive himself, he becomes wise.

It’s never too late to make a happy childhood for yourself.

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Not all people grow up. Many just get older over time.

We really grow up not where we leave childhood, but where childhood leaves us.

image about kids growing up quotes about kids growing up Quotes about kids growing up image about kids growing up

As a child, you dream of growing up as soon as possible, and later you regret that you cannot become a child again.

If children grew up according to our expectations, we would only grow up to be geniuses.

You can’t blame a child for growing up. Just like teaching him to do it right.

Time goes by very quickly. And this is most clearly seen in how quickly our children grow up.

There is no recipe for making the transition to adulthood carefree and sweet.

Growing up is always difficult. And the most difficult thing is to give up your illusions that replace the true vision of the world.

The child who calculates the cost of what he wants is no longer a child.

People are afraid of growing up because they do not want to part with the mask to which they are used, and do not want to try another one.

In childhood, all children love their parents unconditionally. But as they grow up, they choose to either condemn their parents for past mistakes or forgive.

Growing up is about change. Change is painful, so pain is joy. It gives us a reason to smile.

Dreams have nothing to do with real life. They quietly dissipate in our minds when we begin to grow up.

In childhood parents seemed to us as smart, strong and ideal people. Only when we grow up, we realize that they are ordinary people.

We hope this collection of quotes about kids growing up was helpful to you. There are many other articles on our website that you might like:

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