Goodbye messages to colleague

nice farewell words to colleague

Farewell to a colleague is no less difficult than with a loved one. Especially, if you have become friends over the years of teamwork. You should think over your farewell speech because you need to invest in it not only the sad component, but also the words of gratitude for the fact that he was a very important part of the company. If you are thinking about how to say it briefly and concisely, don’t worry, we did everything for you! Here is a collection of goodbye messages for colleagues, so scroll down and choose the message that you like best!

Goodbye messages to colleague

Colleague! Let your ambitions help you to move forward, and daring dreams turn into reality, giving way to new desires. Good luck in all your endeavors.

Today you are leaving our team. So, you are waiting for unexplored horizons and, perhaps, acquaintance with the new bosses and new colleagues. May these changes be positive!

Goodbye messages to colleague goodbye messages to colleague Goodbye messages to colleague Goodbye messages to colleague

It is time to set sail and embark on a new voyage! It’s not easy to leave everything you’re used to and those with whom you worked side by side, but change is always for the better, believe it.

Dear colleague, today you are leaving our team. We are endlessly grateful to you for your labor contribution to our common cause. You will leave a good memory of yourself in our hearts.

Colleague! Let your dismissal be the starting point on the road to new dreams come true. We wish you unsurpassed success, true prosperity, amazing benefits!

It is human nature to seek, go forward, strive for the ideal. We understand your act. May all obstacles part before you and all doors open. We sincerely wish you this.

farewell texts to coworker goodbye messages to colleague Goodbye messages to colleague Farewell texts to coworker

Colleague, do not be sad about leaving! Fate will definitely respond and give you a surprise that you never dreamed of. The main thing is not to regret anything and move only forward, towards new horizons!

You are going to leave. We are sorry to let you go, but we are not entitled to keep you. We will miss your knowledge and valuable advice, your wisdom and judgment.

Nice farewell words to colleague

Colleague! Today you quit! May your every day be fruitful, full of pleasant events. Meet and see it off with a grateful smile.

It’s a pity to part. Left behind a lot of common workdays, successful beginnings, achievements. We will sincerely miss you. Visit us whenever possible!

We believe that everything will be wonderful with you: a new interesting job, a good salary and career advancement. And we will always be glad to see you!

We would like to find such words for you so that you will remember them for a long time. You deserve a warm attitude for your conscientious fruitful work. We will miss you!

goodbye card for colleague goodbye messages to colleague Goodbye messages to colleague goodbye card for collegue

Seeing you off, we wish you strong unbreakable health, because health is the key to everything: happiness, love, prosperity. We wish you success in all your endeavors and Caucasian longevity!

It’s always a pity to part with good people. You leave, and we remain. You’re leaving not because it’s bad here, but because it will be even better ahead. Let only good people meet you in life who will help, appreciate, teach you.

Welcome messages for new employees

It’s hard to part with you. Today a mentor and friend, an experienced worker and just a good person leave us. But, your desire is the law. Know that we are always glad to see you.

Sometimes in life you have to make difficult fateful decisions. It’s not a pity to part, but we must hope and believe that all the best is ahead: new prospects, friendly team, and discoveries.

goodbye image for colleague goodbye messages to colleague Goodbye messages to colleague goodbye image for collegue

We, your colleagues, regret to part with you. You were an example of diligence and honor for us. Thank you for your kindness, sympathetic heart and willingness to help.

Colleague, we thank you! Let nothing stop you from becoming happy! We wish the fair wind and clear sun to become your best friend in life.

Farewell texts to coworker

With the dismissal of you! Having decided on this step, do not regret what has been done. Strive exclusively for the best and remember us. We are always waiting for a visit!

Colleague, thank you for the time of fruitful working cooperation spent with us, support and help. I hope that our communication will not be interrupted due to your dismissal.

goodbye card to colleague goodbye messages to colleague Goodbye messages to colleague goodbye card to colleague

It’s not easy for me to part with you, but what prevents us from chatting on social networks and liking each other? We will recreate the effect of your full presence. Therefore, global change is not planned.

I will remember our joint projects and friendly corporate events for a long time. And your advice and recommendations will no doubt become a compass for me when conquering new professional spaces.

goodbye image to colleague goodbye messages to colleague Goodbye messages to colleague goodbye image to colleague

I am so sad to say goodbye to you. I will miss our well-coordinated knock on keyboards and coffee breaks in our cozy office. I will miss your cheerful laugh.

It was not always easy for us. I remember each of our quarrels. But still, I thank you for the pile of papers and paper clips on the table, for the tasks that remained unanswered, for those cozy coffee breaks. Come back.

goodbye messages to colleague goodbye messages to colleague Goodbye messages to colleague goodbye message to colleague

Friend. I’m so used to your stupid jokes for all these years that now it’s very difficult to say goodbye. I envy your future colleagues. You were a really great man.

Unfortunately, your decision is final. But I would like to detain you, even for a day! I am glad that most of the workdays I spent with you, friend!

goodbye words to colleague goodbye messages to colleague Goodbye messages to colleague goodbye words to colleague

I remember every sleepy morning, every interview, every reprimand from boss. Our work has united us. It’s hard to accept that you are leaving us. I hope that another job will give you only positive.

The news of your departure was very unexpected for us. If you decide to finish one chapter of this book and start the next, then do not be discouraged and do not look back! The main thing is to believe that the best is always ahead, even if it seems that this is not so!

goodbye messages to colleague goodbye messages to colleague Goodbye messages to colleague goodbye messages to coworker

Colleague! Remember that there is always something better ahead of you. So, quitting your old job, know that you discover for yourself those roads that were previously closed.

Your kind smile warmed our team. You leave, and the guiding star leads you. We wish you good luck, no matter how difficult the journey is. Just promise not to forget us.

The most important thing that happened was your tact, respect for our mistakes, which we corrected by uniting into a friendly team of allies. Colleague, you gave us invaluable lessons! I definitely promise you this!

Colleague, I wish to leave this job with your head held high, not looking back and not doubting your choice. Let the new life give you new opportunities.

It’s time to say goodbye to this job. But don’t be sad. After all, there are changes ahead of you, and it depends only on you what they will be. I wish your life to change for the better from today.

A colleague who quit, do not rush to get a new job. Give your body a rest and free your head from bad thoughts. I wish you to always do an interesting job and live in abundance.

Congratulations on leaving work and wish you never regret anything, always feel confident, without obstacles and do only what your heart desires.

Congratulations on parting with this work. I wish to leave beautifully, but not to lose your enthusiasm. Dedicate your time to really important things and always believe in luck.

We know that a piece of your soul will forever remain here. Thank you for everything: for being close in difficult moments, helping, supporting with word and deed. You’re a real man!

Leaving work is joy or misfortune? It’s not for us to judge this. We wish you happiness! Always remember one thing: we will be waiting for you here!

Congratulations on your relief! Along with the dismissal, your worries have gone. Let’s celebrate this joyfully! Do not be sad – this stage has already been completed. Tune in a new way and start looking for a new job!

Today you leave our team to rush to new shores. You leave us to work alone, and therefore we are sad! We wish you unprecedented luck in order to effectively and easily solve the difficult tasks of fate.

We hope this collection of goodbye messages to colleague was helpful to you. There are many other articles on our website that you might like:

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