Depression sayings

depression quotes

Depression is a condition familiar to almost everyone, even the most cheerful people. Everyone has dark streaks in life. Nevertheless, you should not despair, because a dark stripe is always followed by a bright one. Our depression sayings, quotes and status will help to look at depression and on the other side, namely from the point of view of people who have experienced it. Depression is not scary; the main thing is to survive it correctly.

Depression sayings

Depression is not a sign of weakness. This is a sign that you tried to be strong for too long.

Depression is a state when you really want to take your soul somewhere, but wherever you take it, it does not like anything.

depression sayings depression sayings Depression sayings depression sayings

One must learn to love your misfortune. It may keep you company, it may teach you a lot. Perhaps someday, when you are happy, you will miss this feeling.

Emptiness occurs when a person has too little love, interest, or relationship in life. It is a hunger for values. When this feeling grows and becomes insatiable, depression sets in.

Fall also has its advantages. Do not be afraid of this. Even depression can become positive. A person cannot be constantly in pure joy and contentment. Man is inherent to suffer.

In the life of every person, there are times when some kind of heaviness is falling, grief, depression are embracing. Your whole body is chilling and it seems that you are about to feel sick.

thoughts about depression depression sayings Depression sayings thoughts about depression

In the life of every person there are times when it seems empty and meaningless. And you think that tomorrow will never come. And then you want to burn out in this cycle of events and lose yourself. But time passes, we find in ourselves the strength to stand up, to ever fall again …

There is also a good side to depression: people lose weight because of it. No one advertises this diet, but it is the most effective. The extra pounds will go away, and your body will again become slim and can serve you well.

Depression thoughts

When I asked a former millionaire how he went bankrupt, he replied that all of a sudden. The same thing is with depression: just once you wake up and realize that you are afraid to live on.

Starting from scratch is not crazy. Madness is leading a miserable life day after day and pretending to be happy.

If you have a black streak in your life, you have only one option. Go to a party and add bright colors to your life!

Depression is like a lack of values. An inner void with nothing to fill. This is not fear, but the absence of something important in your life. When there is no joy, but there is only the severity of such an existence.

words about depression depression sayings Depression sayings words about depression

Studies show that most people suffer from depression, and the rest causes it in them.

Those who truly love cannot be depressed. Depression occurs only in those who are fixated on themselves. A lover always thinks about how to make better a loved one.

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There is only one kind of work that does not cause depression. This is the work that you want to do, and not which you oblige to do.

Laziness and depression are a signaling system that says that you do not live your life.

depression image depression sayings Depression sayings depression image

Depression is like watching a sunset in a black and white spectrum. Then you can keenly feel how you are simply wasting your life.

If you stop pretending that there is no way out, then it will not get better. Assuring yourself that life is crap, you seem to be under anesthesia, and if you stop doing it, it becomes clear where and how much it hurts.

Words about depression

You can smile at people, and your soul can scream from grief that cannot be expressed. It will always stay with you, because no one else will understand the scale of your problem! Learn to rely on your own strength!

When you feel bad, do this: calm down and imagine that everyone in this world is as miserable and unsuccessful as you. They just hide it better.

Idleness, sad thoughts, and philosophical literature can lead to depression much more quickly than witchcraft.

Depression is mainly caused by a lack of personal space. Those who have hobbies, and know what to do in their free time, do not suffer from inaction.

The purest form of depression is when you cannot give absolutely no explanation why you are depressed. This is a vicious circle from which you cannot get out.

Depression has one interesting feature – it seems to ruin time. Your brain slowly erases all happy memories. And in the end, you only think that life has always been like that. And it will remain so to the end.

Why does all good require struggle, and does bad come into our life with ease? As you approach the goal, it suddenly moves farther than it was originally. And you run after a dream, day after day, until one day you exhaust your entire supply of strength. This is called life.

Each of us at least once in our life felt such a feeling that everything in our life is artificial and fragile, like a Christmas ball. It is enough to drop it on the floor, and now you will remain standing with a thread in your hand, full of loneliness and regrets.

Depression is not a crime, but it can plunge a person into the abyss, into which even a crime cannot plunge him.

Fear of one’s own anger most often leads to the fact that a person ceases to navigate his feelings. His annoyance builds up and eventually goes inside him. The result of this internal aggression is depression, fatigue, headache and lack of desire.

Depression is not able to build the future. It is only capable of destroying the present, and erasing all happy moments from the past. Avoid it as the biggest enemy.

Longing for depression with longing for nostalgia has nothing to do except the name. Desperate, alien, hostile, full of anger, tension, diluted with melancholy and reflection. It catches up suddenly, does not increase and does not weaken.

When you observe someone else’s depression, with a complete lack of perspective, your own situation, which seems unbearable to you, is immediately filled with significance and understanding of the fact that there are those that are even worse.

Depression is just different in that in this period of time we have no reason for sadness, and at the same time we are sad.

Perhaps grief is easier to carry in cold times, when the days are short and the nights are long and dark. Then it seems that the whole world has plunged into darkness with you.

If you’re upset and depressed right now, this is nothing special. This is a sign that you want more from life than you have now. Very often, life’s difficulties tell us what we should really be.

Anyone can be depressed. This is emotion. To deal with it, people start taking pills and visiting psychotherapists. Instead of just meeting the problem face to face.

We hope this collection of depression sayings was helpful to you. There are many other articles on our website that you might like:

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