Funny quotes about photography

funny sayings about photography

The quotes about photography that we provide you below are filled with words that will be useful and interesting to both beginners and professional photographers. They embodied the immortal passion of photography masters for the main occupation in their life, and of course, a bit of humor. Read and ponder these words. These quotes were uttered by people who knew both failure and success. You will not only learn the opinion of the great masters about photography but also draw interesting thoughts and tips that will be useful to you in practice. Check out these funny quotes about photography:

Funny quotes about photography

Photography is just the subjective opinion of the camera about you.

Best friends have no photos in common. They have only incriminating evidence.

funny quotes about photography funny quotes about photography Funny quotes about photography funny quotes about photography

I still keep all the photos of my ex. I put a cup of coffee on them.

Note to all the girls: if your photo is on your boyfriend’s phone screen, then he really loves you!

Girls, if you take pictures with your head bowed to seem prettier, why don’t you walk down the street like that?

With the closest people, we have the least photos. At that moment, when we were happy with them, we did not think about photographs as a keepsake.

quote about photography funny quotes about photography Funny quotes about photography quote about photography

To love a person, it is not necessary to be with him. It is enough just to occasionally look at his photo and know that he is doing well.

Sometimes you look at the photo and remember how happy you were at that moment.

Funny sayings about photography

Everyone probably has a photo, where you turned out to be so-so, but it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that in this photo a dear person stands next to you.

We are the last generation whose children’s photos were not taken on the phone.

Noticed: taking pictures on an international passport, we are much happier than on a regular one.

Memories and photographs are all that can remind you of a happy past.

funny image about photography funny quotes about photography Funny quotes about photography funny image about photography

Only one who manages to build on one axis of the eyes, head, and heart can take pictures.

Live without frames, because you are not photography.

Funny quotes about men

It is not enough to be a good photographer. To take good photos, you need to be a good person.

Looking through other people’s photos from vacation, the main thing for you is to withstand two hours at the airport.

funny words about photography funny quotes about photography Funny quotes about photography funny words about photography

Life is not a photography or a note, and there is no need to comment on it.

For some reason, someone else’s camera always takes a better shot than mine.

In today’s world, the number of friends is directly proportional to the number of photos taken.

On the wedding night, the groom is busy counting money, and the bride uploads wedding photos to social networks.

If you notice that you look like a photograph in your passport, then you have to go on vacation.

Everyone has a friend who always spoils photos.

Funny words about photography

If you have smart eyes and a mysterious smile, then you are photographed.

Virtual dating is divided into two periods: before the first photo and after.

Worse than a photograph in a passport can only be a photocopy of it.

People who have shared memories, shared photo in closed access can not be strangers.

Life is like a photograph. It turns out better when you smile.

Interestingly, do we see people the way they see themselves in the mirror, or the way they see themselves in photographs?

If you think that you have failed in the photo, look at it after 10 years. Your opinion will definitely change.

If the album is thin and the photo is ugly – then this is your passport.

Fashion is what makes us idiots in old photographs.

The mirror shows you the queen, and the photo stubbornly proves the opposite.

The picture of my wife in my wallet reminds me that there might have been money in this place.

It is good to be a girl. If you feel sad, take a picture of yourself, collect likes from friends and have a better mood!

Ideal people exist only in photographs.

We hope this collection of funny quotes about photography was helpful to you. There are many other articles on our website that you might like:

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